Hi my name is Jordan, I go by a few aliases online; notably this one,
vuvffufg, and also FalloutR (short for fallout raider)
This is my personal page with some fun little projects I put together.
Most of the fun can be found in the pages directory where I have some rudimentary projects.
I particularly had fun with /pages/birthday and experimenting with a deck of cards in
My professional experience relates mostly to semiconductor manufacturing,
having been in the semiconductor industry for over 4 years I have extensive knowledge
due to operating and ensuring statistical compliance in several tool sets.
More recently I have been pursuing my childhood passions and caring for my family.
This site is one example, another can be seen at my advent of code attempts:
and soon my Project Euler completions:
Breaking into the voice over/actor realm.
For any inquiries, offers, or concerns, please reach me at jordan@vuvffufg.work
or find my phone number through my resume: JRNResume.pdf